
Commencement Address 2007

格洛丽亚·斯坦纳姆,56岁, LTD '88; May 20, 2007



To Carol Christ who leads 澳门葡京博彩软件 (和 does the most amazing introductions); to the faculty who create its purpose 和 the staff who give it daily life; to the honorary degree recipients in whose presence I am so very proud to be; to all the families 和 friends 和 partners 和 children who have sustained today's graduates — especially those of you who have performed the miracle of guiding children through an experience you could not have — 和 most of all, 给你, 所爱的人, 勇敢的, tired 和 now headed-for-the-world graduates of the Class of 2007:

The first generation of 脸谱网 和 YouTube Smithies; the class to shape 和 survive the most changes in the way Smith lives; the second class of the Iraq War, 和 the most diverse class in the history of 澳门葡京博彩软件, 从Adas -谁确保阶级(经济阶层)永远不会解散, 和 to all those who help 澳门葡京博彩软件 look more like the world:

I thank you for including me in your historic day.


I wasn't sure I should bring up this half-century fact. For one thing, I feel connected 给你, not distant. 为另一个, 我担心你会像我在70岁生日后醒来时那样受到年龄的冲击, 和思想, “There's a 70-year-old woman in my bed! 这是怎么发生的??!”

但后来我意识到,害怕因年龄而分离可能更多是我们这代人的问题,而不是你们这代人的问题. If I conjure up my own graduation day, 例如, 甚至30岁以后的生活似乎都是一片朦胧的屏幕,被别人的需求填满了——甚至还没有阿达斯告诉我们,生活和成长还在继续. 在我们这个时代的贫民区, 我们基本上接受了这样一种观点,即女性为他人生育比为自己生育更有价值.

Yes, many of us had professions, but they were secondary. 正如我的一位同学根据后来的女权主义所说:“我没有工作,我有一份工作。.“我们并没有试图改变世界以适应女性——当时的澳门葡京博彩软件也没有——我们试图改变自己以适应世界。.

If this seems hard to believe now, think of my two most famous age peers: Marilyn Monroe, who literally fe是d aging more than death, 和 Smith’s own Sylvia Plath, 她自己的世界级才能不能给她生存所需的自主权.

现在, thanks to decades of feminist rebellion, 你们这一代人更有可能看重那些和你们一样长久的思想、心灵和才能. You not only have a somewhat longer life expectancy physically, but faith in a much longer life of your own making. 我很幸运, 这也意味着你能更好地与其他不同年龄的女性产生共鸣.

For instance: My generation of young women said things like, “I'm not going to be anything like my mother.毕竟, if we didn't blame our mothers for living vicarious lives, we would have to admit that we might have to do the 相同. 即使是现在, my generation — 和 probably some of yours, too — 是 living out the unlived lives of our mothers.

This is honorable 和 rewarding 和 loving, 但无论是对母亲还是对女儿来说,这和过我们自己独特的生活都不是一回事.

现在, I meet many young women who 说 something like, “I hope I can have 是有趣的 a life as my mother.“不是。 相同 生命,但 是有趣的. And when I hear this, 这让我热泪盈眶——因为我知道,代际之间不仅存在着爱, as there always has been, but now there is respect, 学习, 平衡感, even an invitation to adventure.

So instead of worrying about the decades between us, 我想我会用它们来衡量未来,把类似的时间投射到未来. Like the swing of a compass arm, 我邀请你们衡量一下从我的毕业班到你们的毕业班这段时间所取得的进步, 和 project into the future 相同 distance.


I'm not suggesting we 知道 会发生什么,但我认为想象力是一种计划.

So let’s take a concrete example: In my generation, we were asked by the Smith vocational office how many words we could type a minute; a question that was 从来没有 asked of then all-male students at Harvard or Princeton. 女性专用打字被认为是合理的,因为女性的语言表达能力更强, 注重细节, 小的手指, 天知道是什么, but the public imagination just didn't include male typists, certainly not Ivy League-educated ones.

现在, computers have come along, 和 “typing” is “keyboarding.“突然, 瞧! -男人会打字! Gives you faith in men's ability to change, doesn't it?

所以也许到2057年, 职业隔离——比工资不平等更大的原因, may have changed enough so there will be male nurses 女医生. 这样,男医务人员就不会从军队回家,因为羞愧而放弃护理工作, 护士也会因为不再是粉红领的贫民窟而获得更高的报酬.


最重要的是, 也许大量无偿的护理工作——无论这意味着抚养孩子还是照顾病人和老人:在这个国家大约占生产性工作的30%,在许多国家超过一半——也许这个巨大而重要的工作领域最终会有一个归属的经济价值, whether it is done by women or men.

This is already a feminist proposal for tax policy. 这将意味着,对于那些纳税的人来说,护理的归属价值将成为免税的, 和 tax refundable for those who 是 too poor to pay taxes, thus substituting for the disaster of welf是. It would be a huge advance. We would at last be valuing all productive work, 包括那些神秘地定义为“不工作”的人:比如“不工作”的家庭主妇,尽管他们比其他任何阶层的工人工作时间更长、更努力. (更不用说更有可能被更年轻的员工取代.)

再深入一点:我们这一代人在情感上认同其他弱势群体, but without underst和ing why. 五十年后,我们明白了原因:女性也是一个“外”群体——难怪我们认定了这一点. 现在有本地的, national 和 global liberation movements based on sex, 比赛, 种族, 性与阶级. We 知道 in these movements we 是 each others' allies, if only because our adversaries 是 all the 相同.

也许50年后,公众的想象力将最终理解这是一个不可分割的运动. 同样的等级制度,控制着女性的身体作为生育的手段——这就是我们女性最初陷入困境的原因——并说性行为只有在父权婚姻中被导向生育时才是道德的——也控制着生殖,以维持种族差异和种族主义种姓制度. 我们会明白,不成为反种族主义者就不可能成为女权主义者,反之亦然. 不仅因为女性存在于世界上的每一个群体中,而且因为种族种姓和性别种姓是不可分割的.

我们也会明白,那些反对避孕和堕胎,甚至反对有助于避免堕胎的性教育——任何允许性与生殖分离的东西——的人,同样也反对两个女人或两个男人之间的性表达. 他们否认人类的性行为一直是一种交流和愉悦的形式这一事实, not just a way we reproduce. (And I do mean always. 早在欧洲人出现之前,土著妇女就生活在这片土地上,她们每隔两年或三年就生两三个孩子. They absolutely understood cont比赛ption, which is not just some modern gift from the pharmaceutical industry.)

No wonder anti-equality, racist 和 anti-gay forces 是 all the 相同, 就在他们进去的时候, 说, Germany under fascism, or in theocracies 和 totalitarian regimes now. Perhaps fifty years from now, 大多数人都会理解生育和性自由——以及民主的家庭, 家庭内部的民主——就像选举和言论自由一样,是民主的必要条件.

Or take another 是a very close to home. 我们这一代人经常接受这样一种观点,即男女的私人/公共角色是“自然的”.” Your generation has made giant strides into public 生命,但 often still 说s: How can I combine c是er 和 family?

我从心底告诉你,当你问这个问题的时候,你把自己的目标定得太低了. 首先,只有男人们也问同样的问题,这个问题才会有答案. 第二个, every other modern democracy in the world is way, 在提供全国性的托儿服务方面领先于这个国家, 和 job patterns adapted to the needs of p是nts, 不论男女.

所以不要内疚. 生气. 得到积极的. 如果这是一个影响数百万独特女性的问题,那么唯一的答案就是组织起来.

我知道女人可能很难相信男人可以爱护和养育小孩子,就像男人很难相信女人可以像他们一样在公共生活中成为专家并取得成就一样. If you’ve 从来没有 seen a deer, it’s hard to see a deer. 如果我没有一个像我母亲一样把我从小养大的父亲, I might not believe it either. 但是抚养年幼的孩子——或者被抚养抚养孩子——是男人最有可能发展他们自己完整的人类品质的方式, 和 stop reproducing the prison of the “masculine” role. 正如我们在公共生活中的角色将我们从“女性”角色的监狱中解放出来一样.

For that matter, our kids do what they see, not what they’re told. If children don’t see whole people, they’re much less likely to become whole people — at least, not without a lot of hard work in later life.

Which leads us into the big question of violence. 性别角色会导致各种形式的控制和暴力的正常化, 从性暴力到军事暴力,这是A. B. 直到人类关系的家庭模式是关于合作而不是统治或等级制度, 我们不太可能想象合作在公共生活中是正常的,甚至是可能的.


在这个时代,奴隶与世界人口的比例已经太危险了——更多的人被强迫或胁迫而没有从他们的工作中受益——现在比19世纪还要多. 性交易, 劳动人口贩卖, 儿童和成年人被迫参军:他们都构成了一个比武器贸易更有利可图的全球人口贩运产业, 和 second only to the drug trade. 现在与19世纪最大的不同是,联合国估计80%的被奴役者是妇女和儿童.

是的,这一切需要的时间比我们预计的50年要长得多. 原始文化的智慧告诉我们,要治愈一次暴力行为需要四代人的时间. But it’s also true that, 如果我们能培养哪怕一代没有暴力和羞辱的孩子, we have no idea what might be possible.

如果我们独自生活在一个组织方式不同的世界里,我们就不容易坚持这种对自己和他人的可能性的看法. We 是 communal creatures. 所以,确保你离开澳门葡京博彩软件这个社区后并不孤单. Make sure you meet with a few friends once a week or once a month; people you can sh是 experiences 和 hopes with — 和 vice versa. Women may need this even more than other marginalized groups because, 毕竟, 我们永远不会有自己的国家(好事情-这让我们反民族主义), we don’t have a neighborhood; most of us don’t even have a bar.

So, if I had one wish for women worldwide, 这将是一种全球版本的匿名戒酒会:一个由女性团体组成的网络——也欢迎拥有同样激进愿景的男性. These leaderless 和 free groups would exist in cities 和 villages, in school basements 和 around rural wells. 它们可以像花边一样遍布全球,其目的将是支持自我权威. 毕竟,没有世界上一半人口的帮助,民主是不可能存在的.

当我们在接下来的50年里继续这样做的时候,请记住,目的并不能证明手段是正当的 末端. 如果我们想在革命结束时得到欢乐、音乐、友谊和笑声, 一路上我们必须有欢乐、音乐、友谊和笑声. Emma Goldman had the right idea about dancing at the revolution.

So, 亲爱的同志们, 是的,这是所有革命中持续时间最长的,这将意味着许多斗争, a lot of organizing together 和 a lot of unity, but that also means a lot of dancing.

现在, just measure the distance from my graduation 给你rs — from my class with only one student of color 给你r diverse class; from my era of no women’s history 给你rs that has been strengthened by women’s history. You can match or surpass that distance that we have covered.

现在, it's true that I have every intention of living to be 100. 但即使是我, hope-oholic that I am, 知道你什么时候回来庆祝你的胜利,激励2057届毕业生, 我不会和你在一起.

But then again: I will.
